Truth over Deception

Truth over Deception

The Purpose of this Blog

This blog was generated out of a personal desire to share the truth of the Scriptures from the perspectives of the authors who wrote them. It is not only my ambition to share the understandings of YHVH’s Word within its historical and cultural framework, but also to relate His teachings through the Spirit and the love of Yahushua Messiah. To please our Father in Heaven we have to do what He desires according to His Word and not according to the traditions and doctrines of men. To find our true identity in Yahushua Messiah, it is essential to understand that all His teachings are Torah based. The Messianic Writings (New Testament) form an integral part of the TaNaKh (Old Testament) without any denials or contradictions of Torah whatsoever.

There are many words and idiomatic expressions in the Messianic writings that are very hard, if not impossible, to understand without knowledge of the deeper teachings of the Judaism at the time of Messiah. Until we learn and understand the true original meaning of the writings, developing what we think a particular verse or passage means to us, is an exercise in futility, and only leads to erroneous doctrines. That is exactly why there are more than 38,000 Christian denominations in the world today. Every denomination has their own interpretation of the teachings of Messiah, Sha’ul and the other Messianic writers.

Most of these denominations disregard the importance of the Old Testament (TaNaKh) as the foundation of the Messianic writings and never read, preach or teach it. The Messianic writings were never meant to stand on their own. They are to be interpreted in context of the Torah, prophets and writings (TaNaKh), which of course came first. The Messianic writings cannot contradict the Torah or the prophets. Yahushua Messiah, Sha’ul and the other Messianic writers all referenced the Torah and the prophets. It was their only reference and formed the foundation of their teachings. If Messiah in any way or form contradicted Torah He would have been rejected as a false prophet and would have had no followers within the Jewish population at the time that He walked the earth. Do you think for one moment that His disciples would have just left their livelihood and followed Him, if He walked outside of Torah?

However great your predisposition is as a result of the anti-Torah doctrine you inherited, you have to put this erroneous teaching aside and read the Messianic writings within the context, culture, background in which, and the purpose for which they were written.

Please read the posts with and open enquiring and truth seeking mind, and feel free to give your views.

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