Truth over Deception

Truth over Deception

New Testament

“New Testament”– A testament is a written document by which someone disposes of his or her estate and that usually takes effect after that person’s death. In the general sense, a covenant is simply a binding agreement or pact between two or more parties; in legal terms, it is a normal sealed agreement or contract. In the Biblical sense, the covenants made by יהוה (YHWH) were initiated confirmed, and in some instances even fulfilled by Him. These unilateral divine Covenants contain two particularly important components: terms and duration. He alone determines the terms and duration; humans choose whether to accept them or not. As the “New Testament” is about the new Covenant that יהוה made, New Covenant would have been a more suitable name for the writings we know as the “New Testament”. In fact the “Old” and “New Testaments" are really the Old and New Covenants. The term Renewed Covenant is more accurate as both the Aramaic “khawdata” and Hebrew “chadasha” mean to renew, make anew or repair.

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